Monday, November 9, 2009

Its Been A While!!!!!

Its been a while since I've been on this blog.

All I can really say is so far so good!!!!!!!!! I have my PowerPoint done (just have to add a few things to that)...and my just about D-O-N-E...DONE!!!!!!!!!

What I'm doing right now is finishing up my Webliography page to my website...and then that is complete...And my website...will be....C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E....COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Senior Project

At the moment I am now working on adding more detail to my outline. Mrs. Suvedo explained to me that my outline was good and that everything was laid out correctly...she just said that more information was needed. So what I am doing now is adding more info that I recently recieved, which gave me about 8 - 10 victims that faced Police Brutality in Pittsburgh.

The thing with me was that I really didnt do much research earlier on Pittsburgh because it was pretty rare to hear about any Police Brutality going on. But Mrs. Suvedo was have to do research on your area because people are going to ask questions.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Part of Action Plan - Complete!

I have just completed my interview with Detective Robinson. After first I was very nervice, but as soon as we got in there I was cool. He answered all of my questions with good answers and everything went well. Now all I have to do is work on my proposal and go home and review the interview at home. (TAPE RECORDED)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Excellent News!

Detective Robinson just got back to me and said that Monday would be great, so what I have to do now is go over my interview questions, and LET THE SHOW BEGIN!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

More Work

So far, I have gotten a good amount of notes done. Also, one of the most important things I am working on is my interview with Detective Robinson. The questions that I am going to give him, I know, have to be neutral. I do not want Detective Robinson to feel like I am bashing the Police Force. What I have to do is choose my questions wisely. Other than that, everything is going well!

Great News

I have recieved news that Dective Robinson is able to schedule an interview. So what I have to do now is come up with some new interview questions because the questions that I recently made was for Jill Nelson who a well known author. WISH ME LUCK!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

The (NEW) Email - Detective Robinson

So far everything is going well. Like I said in my previous post I have found someone to interview. DeAnna Robinsons dad is a detective, so I will hopefully be able to have an interview with him. So what I have to do now is come up with some new interview questions that I can have for him. If everything goes well, I have my interview, I should definitely have great feed back to add to my Graduation Project (Police Brutality).

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Good News

I just had a talk with DeAnna Robinson, and she had just given me some good news. Earlier in my Graduation Project I was planning on having an interview with Jill Nelson who is a well known author in many areas. She wrote a book on Police Brutality called: "Police Brutality : An Athology." I emailed her and she never got back to me. So DeAnna was telling me that her father is a detective, and there was a possible chance of me having an interview, and even touring the different offices. So what we are going to do first is mainly talk about the email addresses and go on from there. I really hope this works! (Thanks to DeAnna for the information).

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Email

I have emailed Jill Nelson, who is the woman that I plan on interviewing for my topic on police brutality. If she gets back to me and is able to do the interview, then LET THE TAKING ACTION BEGIN!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Interview

So far, everything is going well. I have finished everything up to my webliography. The only thing is that I am having a problem with finding someone to interview on my topic (Police Brutality). One of the people that I am thinking of emailing for an interview is Jill Nelson. Now Jill Nelson is a famous author who has recieved many awards and has even published articles for THE NEW YORK TIMES, ESSENCE, WASHINGTON POST, and was even named Washington D.C.'s journalist of the year. The latest book that she was was on Police Brutality called "Police Brutality: An Athology." I have not been able to read the book, but at the moment, I am trying to find some way of getting in touch with her.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Did You Know Questions - Police Brutality

My topic, Police Brutality in my opinion is very important because when you look at history, from the Civil Rights Movement, and all the way to Rodney King, Amadillo Amadou, and Sean Bell, police brutality has gotten worse. Also, during many of these police brutality cases the victim was either shot to death, beaten to death, and just even beaten badly in generally. One of the main things that I could never understand was why many of the cops that were involved with police brutality just got away with it, or just feel they have a "Do whatever you want and get away with it badge."

Did You Know?

1. In 2005 98% of the police brutality cases were declined

2. Last year, 96% of cases reffered for prosecution by investigate agencies were also declined.

3. There have been more than 800,00 cases in the U.S. that involve police brutality.

4. Police Brutality has increased more than 25% from 2001 to 2007.

5. There were more than 10,000 complaints to the Chicago Police Department that involved police brutality.

During this article search there was not good enough information that gave me detailed stats on police brutality.

But I will continue searching.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Foundation Questions - Police Brutality


1. What is police brutality?

2. Is race a big reason for police brutality?

3. Does Police Brutality mainly happen frequently with African Americans?

4. Why is it that most Police Brutality cases have been either cancelled or dismissed?

5. What are some other cops/detectives outlooks on Police Brutality?

6. What are some of the biggest cases since the Rodney King incident in 1992?

7. Are the innocent victims have of the time not so innocent?

8. What are some of the latest statistics with Police Brutality?

9. What are the biggest known areas for Police Brutality occurence?

10. What are some procedures that a policemen must follow when dealing with a suspect?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Topic

Earlier, I was going to make the topic, for my Graduation Project, Electric Maintenance. After talking it over with my father, he explained to me that I should do something that is more exciting as my topic. So my topic might be on Police Brutality because recently I heard about a man being shot and killed in Oakland by police. He was being handcuffed and I guess was resisting arrest, so one cop pulled out his gun and killed him. I also know that there are numerous topics on that.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Beginning Post

a. One the most important things that I have heard about the Graduation Project is that the project is the most important part of 12th grade. I say that because it is one of the things that determine if you graduate or not. I did not know any of the people that just recently graduated last year.

b. Well, one of the main things that I want to discuss in my graduation project is one of the careers that I want to persue. That career is electric maintenance. Now if you are curious electric maintenance would involve working with house electricity, and even working on poles. My other interest was automotive engineering. The only problem with that was I needed to go to college if I wanted to contine in that career. But, when thinking about it and talking with my father I started to notice that I am really not a college person. So what I plan to do is maybe go to Triangle Tech and start on Electric Maintenance there.

c. My concern with this graduation project is thinking about how I am going to do this starting from the beginning. But because Mrs. Suvedo gave us the steps that we can take to help us wiith the project.