Friday, January 23, 2009

Foundation Questions - Police Brutality


1. What is police brutality?

2. Is race a big reason for police brutality?

3. Does Police Brutality mainly happen frequently with African Americans?

4. Why is it that most Police Brutality cases have been either cancelled or dismissed?

5. What are some other cops/detectives outlooks on Police Brutality?

6. What are some of the biggest cases since the Rodney King incident in 1992?

7. Are the innocent victims have of the time not so innocent?

8. What are some of the latest statistics with Police Brutality?

9. What are the biggest known areas for Police Brutality occurence?

10. What are some procedures that a policemen must follow when dealing with a suspect?

1 comment:

  1. Devaughn,
    Your Key Terms need to be moved to the side Gadget section and defined; you need to read your Foundation Questions and edit and revise them - then re-post. I'll grade them after they are fixed up. It looks like things are starting to come together with your project.

    - Mrs. Savido
